Dutch fund training flower farmers

Nuffic, a Dutch institute, has given the Rwanda Flower Farmers Association 4,500€ to help train farmers in better farming and production strategies. The move will position the country as a leading flower grower in the Great Lakes Region.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Nuffic, a Dutch institute, has given the Rwanda Flower Farmers Association 4,500€ to help train farmers in better farming and production strategies. The move will position the country as a leading flower grower in the Great Lakes Region.

Rwanda is hoping to increase flower gardens to 200 hectares in three years for export to the European markets.

According to the association’s president, Gabriel Ngendabanga, the money will sponsor 20 members from six cooperative unions in different provinces for a field study tour in Naivasha, Kenya.

Kenya was selected because the country is ranked one of the leading producers of cut flowers, earning $110 million annually.

"Training will run for three months and expose Rwandan growers to modern commercial flower growing,” Ngendabanga said.

It will particularly cover crop management, pest and disease control, fertilisation, post harvest and package handling, electronic irrigation and fertiliser making.

Focus will be put upon various species of roses.

The association which started with two hectares of flowers has increased to 42 hectares in Butare and 50 hectares in the Northern Province. Currently the association has 1,600 farmers.
