Genocide story told through Isura Mvanda Poem

Alex Bwanakweli and Stella Ihirwe’s poem Isura Mvanda covers the history of Rwanda through pre-Genocide, Genocide and post-Genocide periods. The poem comes during the 21st commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Monday, April 13, 2015
Bwanakweli is  a Poet, Singer, songwriter and performing artist.

Alex Bwanakweli and Stella Ihirwe’s poem Isura Mvanda covers the history of Rwanda through pre-Genocide, Genocide and post-Genocide periods. The poem comes during the 21st commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi. 

The poem has a unique style and powerful words that help deliver a powerful message.

Bwanakweli started writing poems at the age of 15 and won various awards while in high school.

Performing arts is among the various ways that are used to tell stories about Rwanda’s horrific past. Ihirwe also shares her journey, her love and spirit for the nation through poetry. It is through her passion to do poetry that she considers poems about the Genocide as her most touching work during this memorial period.