Save the earth by saving the ozone layer

Dear Editor, With the constant decline in the climate as a result of global warming demand more effort to counteract these effects on the well being of the human race.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Dear Editor,

With the constant decline in the climate as a result of global warming demand more effort to counteract these effects on the well being of the human race.

The effects of climate change though do not affect people immediately. However, they do have long lasting side effects that are deadly and tend to persist for generations.

One good example is the droughts that have been affecting Ethiopia and Somalia for decades. Apart from the droughts, there are the heavy rains that are causing floods in so many places around the globe.

These floods and droughts are all a result of the depleting Ozone layer. Though changes in the Ozone layer cannot immediately be observed, any slight change carries a devastating effect that would take decades to be repaired.
The irony in all this is that the most affected countries contribute almost nothing to the destruction of the Ozone layer.

It’s those huge industrialized countries  in the developing world that emit tons of toxic gases to the atmosphere and destroy the Ozone layer.

Now, the way forward is if a common understanding is reached between the developed and underdeveloped states to save that earth by saving and preserving the Ozone layer.
