Kwibuka21: Tumba College builds houses for needy Genocide survivors

Two Genocide survivors received a house each from Tumba College of Technology as part of the activities to mark the 21st anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Monday, April 13, 2015
Rubyiruko (left), principle Gatabazi (2nd left),Iyakaremye (2nd right) and vice- mayor Niwemwiza after the handover of the houses in Rulindo on Saturday. (Solomon Asaba)

Two Genocide survivors received a house each from Tumba College of Technology as part of the activities to mark the 21st anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi.

The two vulnerable survivors, Beatrice Iyakaremye and Abubakar Rubyiruko of Murambi Sector in Rulindo lost their families during the 1994 Genocide and had since lived without permanent shelter.

During the handover of the housing units, Rulindo District vice-mayor in charge of social affairs Emilienne Niwemwiza, commended the college for the donation and encouraged area residents to ensure that Genocide ideology is uprooted.

"The struggle for resilience and reconstruction of our nation is not yet over and each one of us has a role to play,” Niwemwiza said.

Niwemwiza urged residents to join hands in order to realise more growth.

"When you work as a team, chances are high that many constructive ideas will be mooted and swiftly implemented,” she added.

The principle of the school, Pascal Gatabazi, promised more support to the residents through promoting agriculture production.

"Agriculture remains key in development and we can gain both income and food to support our homes. Two cows will be given to the residents next month to help them start up an animal husbandry project,” Gatabazi said.

Meanwhile, Aime Bosenibamwe, the Governor of the Northern Province, urged student leaders to spearhead the fight against genocide ideology.

"It is only with such a spirit that others could look up to you as an example,” Bosenibamwe said.

He urged students to continue promoting unity as the ideal route to a brighter future.