Ecobank executive honours Genocide victims

Regional managing directors of Ecobank visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre at Gisozi yesterday to pay homage to the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Regional managing directors of Ecobank visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre at Gisozi yesterday  to pay homage to the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Up to seven directors from different bank subsidiaries participated in the event, where Ecobank donated Rwf8 million toward the maintenance of memorial centres.

Present at the ceremony were Kassi Ehouman, the Managing Director of Ecobank Kenya and his counterparts from Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia, and South Sudan.

The Ecobank Rwanda Managing Director, Ndiaye Mareme Mbaye, commended her fellow directors for participating in this year’s commemoration ceremony.

"Our presence here today demonstrates solidarity and sympathy for Rwandans and Rwanda as a country for the tragic event they experienced in 1994,” she said.

She noted that Ecobank Rwanda will continue to diligently contribute toward sustainable economic growth in order to support the country on its road to lasting peace and prosperity.

She encouraged Rwandans who lost their loved ones in the Genocide to be strong, especially through these days of commemoration, and remain committed to rebuilding the country.

Rwf5m of the Rwf8 million donated by Ecobank Rwanda is for Kigali Memorial Centre while the rest is to be shared equally among memorials in the countryside.