To the Western media: why the double standards?

Editor, Refer to Prof. Linda Melvern’s article, “Will the next UK parliament probe BBC on genocide denial?” (The New Times, April 8).

Friday, April 10, 2015


Refer toProf. Linda Melvern’s article, "Will the next UK parliament probe BBC on genocide denial?” (The New Times, April 8).

They call the way they harp on about human rights while they engage in their wholesale denial and violations around the world on an ongoing basis, "strategic hypocrisy”.

Their dominant global media, whether corporate or state, facilitates this endeavour by being able to impose their narratives as the only reality whether such narratives are truthful or false.

It is so powerfully dominant that even we, who should know better from regularly being at the receiving end of such narratives, buy into such manufactured reality, especially where it concerns other targets.

Mwene Kalinda