Byukusenge tips local riders to win Tour du Rwanda

Team Rwanda veteran rider Nathan Byukusenge is confident that a Rwandan will again prevail in this year’s edition of Tour du Rwanda. The week long race that was won by Valens Ndayisenga last year is slated for mid November.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Last yearu2019s Tour du Rwanda winner Valens Ndayisenga in action. Veteran rider Nathan Byukusenge thinks a Rwandan will dominate the race this year. (File)

Team Rwanda veteran rider Nathan Byukusenge is confident that a Rwandan will again prevail in this year’s edition of Tour du Rwanda.

The week long race that was won by Valens Ndayisenga last year is slated for mid November.

"I think the pressure will be a lot because of what Ndayisenga and the team did last year, but the experience we got and the different competitions lined up this year will be useful. We now have stronger and more experienced riders, who are tactically astute and I’m confident we will do better,” Byukusenge said.

Rwanda Cycling Federation has partnered with Skol and Cogebanque to organise ten races meant to prepare local riders for the Tour du Rwanda. The last of the ten races will take place on October 25th, less than 3 weeks to the country’s biggest cycling competition.

"We have young riders who are improving quickly and soon they will surprise everyone, we are also competing in many competitions which will help them to gain experience and by the time Tour du Rwanda starts, they will be ready to challenge the elite riders,” 34-year-old Byukusenge told this paper giving an example of 18-year -old Joseph Aleluya who won the 135km Muhanga-Rubavu race on Sunday.