Sports activities put on hold as commemoration week starts

As the sports fraternity joins the rest of the country to mark the 21st anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, all sports events have been put on hold. Edward Kalisa, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports and Culture, has called upon all sportsmen and women to be part of activities during the commemoration period that starts today.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015
The volleyball federation is one of those that always organise Genocide memorial competitions every year. (File)

As the sports fraternity joins the rest of the country to mark the 21st anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, all sports events have been put on hold. Edward Kalisa, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports and Culture, has called upon all sportsmen and women to be part of activities during the commemoration period that starts today.

Speaking to Times Sport in an interview yesterday, Kalisa also urged sports federations, athletes as well as journalists to help the survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi during this period.

"As sportsmen and women, we need to be part of the whole (commemoration) event to help those who survived, and it is our duty to fight against the revisionists,” he stated.

Kalisa revealed that, during this period, the Ministry will work closely with relevant people to identify survivors who need help the most, as some of them are vulnerable and need support, especially during this time when the country is remembering the  over a million Rwandans who lost their lives in the Genocide.

Kalisa also noted that the sportsmen and women in all corners of the country, must lead by example and be part of commemoration activities that will be held at the grassroots level.

During the commemoration week, public lectures and meetings will be conducted at village level and no form of sports and entertainment will take place. Flags in the country will also fly at half-mast during the commemoration period.

Meanwhile, sports federations will start memorial competitions between May and June – some of the federations that normally organise such events include; cycling, volleyball, basketball, karate, taekwondo, and cricket among others.