Is the situation in Burundi getting out of hand?

Editor, I thank Rwandans for sheltering, feeding and harbouring my people in their country. I am afraid many more are on their way to neighbouring countries if nothing is done by the International Community, and if, of course, these people manage to leave the country alive.

Monday, April 06, 2015


I thank Rwandans for sheltering, feeding and harbouring my people in their country. I am afraid many more are on their way to neighbouring countries if nothing is done by the International Community, and if, of course, these people manage to leave the country alive.

The menace is real and this political chaos needs to be taken seriously. The world does not need another tragedy as the one that wrecked Burundi two decades ago in 1993 when the country was thrown into senseless massacres.

The situation in Burundi is perfectly similar to the one that was boiling in Rwanda before the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi: training and arming of a militia by the government, systematic distribution of weapons to the population, a private – but suspected to be government-owned radio (REMA-FM)—similar in every point to the hate Radio Télévision des Mille Collines (RTLM). The list is long.

We need the International Community, especially neighbouring countries, to help us get out of this situation peacefully.


Reaction to the story, "Burundian refugees in Rwanda reject repatriation” (The New Times, April 6)