APR roars to eleventh win

National league CSK     59-74  APRAPR     114-40 KIEMarine 93-53   KIEUNR     90-95   ESPOIRMARINE 104-70 RUSIZICSK       76-42  UNR

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

National league

CSK     59-74  APR
APR     114-40 KIE
Marine 93-53   KIE
UNR     90-95   ESPOIR
CSK       76-42  UNR

APR’s indomitable lions roared to their eleventh successive win in the national basketball league after a scintillating 114-40 win over Kigali Institute of Education on Sunday.

APR’s point guard Mike Buzangu who has been in dreadful form lately orchestrated the win with a game high 39 points, five rebounds and six assists.

Winless in 10 games, KIE were never expected to trouble a pumped up APR side who had silenced last year’s finalists CSK 74-59 on Saturday.

Last year’s Zone five club championships’ Most Valuable Player (MVP) Issa Ngoga who has had a quiet season after suffering a nasty injury on his knee was largely responsible for APR’s plausible performance, getting 26 points to his name.

Buzangu also came in handy with 20 points. With 11 wins in as many games, Cliff Owuor’s club remains clear favorites to emerge regular season champions. The weekend’s spirited show also kept the ex-Kenyan international on course for his third league crown.

"I think we are playing good basketball lately. We are passing the ball beautifully and working as a unit,” the Kenyan said.

With three games to wrap up the regular league, APR is in total command of proceedings with 33 points. The other three play-off slots are up for grabs amongst reigning champions Marine, CSK, Rusizi and 2004 champions Espoir.
