We cannot outsource decisions on our future

Editor, Reference is made to Nathalie Munyampenda’s article, “A response to an open letter to Paul Kagame” (The New Times, April 3).

Friday, April 03, 2015


Reference is made to Nathalie Munyampenda’s article, "A response to an open letter to Paul Kagame” (The New Times, April 3).

Excellently stated; the Rwandan people—and only us—will decide. It is after all about our future; nobody else’s.

Ms. Munyampenda is right that some powerful foreign interests that have always believed Africa is theirs to do with as they wish may view what President Paul Kagame has done in Rwanda as a strategic threat; a threat of a good example that should not be allowed to infect the rest of Africa.

But if there is one thing that we Rwandans have learnt to put above all else as a result of genocide and the last 20 years we have spent pulling ourselves from the abyss of that cataclysm, it is our own agency.

We are no longer prepared to outsource fundamental decisions about our future or our governance to anybody else. And there is nothing more fundamental than our constitutional dispositions.

Mwene Kalinda


My philosophy is, "Do not throw away a cloth that can still cover your nakedness regardless of its age”. If President Kagame can still work for his people and they are appreciating, the people have decided.

There is no point in buying a new car if the one you have still serves the purpose and with optimum efficiency.

Those who want to have their turn of leading Rwanda should wait a little till the Rwandans have maximally tapped into what President Kagame has to offer.
