Two teenage boys arrested over defilement

Police have urged the public to do more about child protection after two men in Gatenga Sector, Kicukiro District, were arrested in connection with defiling a six-year-old girl.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Police have urged the public to do more about child protection after two men in Gatenga Sector, Kicukiro District, were arrested in connection with defiling a six-year-old girl.

Investigations found that Baptiste Mushimiyimana, 18, and Innocent Bankundiyiki, 16, were working as househelps at the victim’s family when they committed the offence.

Police spokesperson for the Central Region, Modeste Mbabazi, said their arrest this week was a result of a tip-off from residents that enabled Police to act fast and arrest the suspects.

The victim was taken to Kacyiru Police Hospital for medical examination while the suspects are being held at Gikondo Police Station as investigations continue.

"Investigations show that the two men connived and lured the little girl out of the home when the parents were not around and one of them defiled her while the other watched over them to make sure that they were not caught in the act,” Mbabazi said.

"This is a terrible vice that should not be tolerated and Police commends the public that came out to help Police in the investigations by providing timely information before the suspects could try to escape.”

The Director of Anti-Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Directorate at Rwanda National Police, Belline Mukamana, denounced defilement as a gross offence that can only be fought through concerted effort.

"Some victims and parents find it hard to report to Police because, many times, the offender is known to them. Children are very vulnerable and parents and guardians should take the first initiative in protecting them and instantly reporting such cases whenever they happen in order to help investigations and prosecution,” Mukamana said.

She also advised parents of victims to immediately take them for sexual assault forensic examinations to help Police in collecting evidence and prosecuting the criminals.

Police established a toll free number – 3512 – where information from the public concerning sexual and gender-related crimes can be reported.

The anti-GBV and Child Protection Directorate advises victims against immediately showering after sexual abuse as it erases evidence. The victim must first see a doctor to provide evidence against the accused.

Article 191 of the Penal Code punishes defilement with life imprisonment.