Is maternity leave an issue of human rights?

Editor, Refer to the letter, “Maternity leave without pay violated basic human rights” (The New Times, April 2)

Thursday, April 02, 2015
A mother cuddles her baby. (Net)


Refer to the letter, "Maternity leave without pay violated basic human rights” (The New Times, April 2)

A very bad policy if the goal is effective gender equality and maximizing of a nation’s human resources; yes, but hardly an issue of basic human rights. When the concept of human rights is thrown around at everything like that it completely empties it of its seriousness.

Mwene Kalinda


Mwene Kalinda, I totally respect your views, but I am sorry on this we cannot be on the same page. The philosophy of life starts with a woman. How many men have you seen carrying babies in the hot sun trying to make ends meet for their families, let alone their very own children?

I doubt if you have seen any, but just go out, turn and you will see a woman with a child on her back vending bananas or something of the sort, all in the name of caring for her child.

We have to be sincere on this and understand one fact that carrying a baby for nine months is not a child’s game. Are you aware that some of our friends who understand what carrying a pregnancy and giving birth mean, give a six-month maternity leave to their employees?

Zisa Busolo