Election Observers!

Dear Editor, Following the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Rwanda, a number of election observers have thronged the country. These observers are to see and give a report of how the elections process proceeds.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dear Editor,

Following the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Rwanda, a number of election observers have thronged the country. These observers are to see and give a report of how the elections process proceeds.

One such is the EALA election observer mission that the East African Community sent to witness the general election process, will realize that Rwanda is different and ahead in its political stand.

These observers have ensured that there are no chances of clashes between the different parties. This has ensured that the elections were free, fair and they conformed to the principles of good governance and democracy in the region.

It is important that these observers were in the country because they look out for best practices that could be emulated in the region and widen and deepen cooperation between partner states in socio-economic and political affairs.

With this Rwanda is already adhering to universally accepted principles of good governance, democracy and rule of law, human rights and social justice.
