The EU EOM should get things right

Dear editor, The European Commission Electoral Observer Mission (EU EOM) which is in Rwanda need to take things easy and be sure about what they are doing in this country.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dear editor,

The European Commission Electoral Observer Mission (EU EOM) which is in Rwanda need to take things easy and be sure about what they are doing in this country.

In the red of the internal wrangles that are allegedly being fuelled by some members of the team, who believe that the government is intimidating the population, clarity is needed.

The government is not intimidating the populace. The fact that some of these observers came with already pre-conceived ideas of how the elections would be are taking off at a wrong foot.

From the look of it, it seems some of the observers are just disappointed by the fact that Rwanda is organized and well governed.

I do not understand why some Europeans cannot think of an African country with democracy and no corruption. This is so possible.

If they came, expecting violence and corruption like the case was with the countries of Zimbabwe and Kenya to mention a few, Rwanda is different.

A few people who do not have the country’s best interest at heart cannot easily tarnish the image of Rwanda. What France did before the genocide will not happen again. Our people are well informed of all cunning and vicious tactics that others have of creating division.

The fact that FPR the government’s party is popular does not mean they are intimidating the people. The party is popular because people have seen the good they have done for them. The party serves the country to its best.

The other parties too do there best and have to prove themselves worthwhile if they are to overthrow FPR.
