The story corner

Lazy Bird and Busy Ant Once there was a lazy bird who was always sitting in the tree lazily singing off-tune, while there was a busy ant that was always busy getting ready for winter.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lazy Bird and Busy Ant

Once there was a lazy bird who was always sitting in the tree lazily singing off-tune, while there was a busy ant that was always busy getting ready for winter.

One day lazy bird asked busy ant, "Ant, why are you always busy? Why don’t you come and join me with my singing?”

"Well Lazy Bird, I have to prepare for winter and get food to store for my family,” Busy Ant replied.

"Actually, why aren’t you preparing for the winter?” he continued to ask.

"I have my own way in winter,” Lazy Bird replied and continued with the singing.

"Toodoloo Totoo Tooloo,” he sung.

"Ah! That bird!” Busy Ant exclaimed, "Let me get on with my work.”

Winter started. Busy Ant was ready but Lazy Bird was not, so he went to visit Ant to see if he could help.

"But I need the food for my family and besides I told you to work for yourself but you refused. So I can’t help you,” Busy Ant said.

So Lazy Bird flew away and had to find his own food.

How Mr. Hare went to the moon

Once upon a time there lived a hare who wanted to see the whole world. One day, when he went to work, he met Mr Tortoise.

"Hi Mr. Tortoise, I want to see the whole world.” Hare said.
Mr. Tortoise asked, "Have you seen the large green forest?”

"No,” said Hare.

"You need to see Mrs. Giraffe, she can help you reach there” said Mr. Tortoise. As they talked, Mrs. Giraffe walked slowly toward them and asked them what the problem was.

"I want to see the whole world but I cannot do this all by myself,” said Mr. Hare.

The Giraffe replied, "I can help you reach the large green forest. Go on my back and I shall take you there.” Mr. Hare climbed Giraffe’s back and they went.

"Now I can see the whole world,” said Mr Hare.

"No you cannot. The whole world is very, very, very big...” said Mrs. Giraffe " I must go home.”

Mr. Hare climbed down Mrs Giraffe’s back. Then he started climbing a mountain full of rocks. He climbed until he was tired and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he saw a mean looking leopard its mouth open. It wanted to eat him! With its big paws it jumped for Mr. Hare!

Mr. Hare was so afraid and scared that he jumped high, high up the mountain. He jumped so high and straight up that he landed on an aeroplane. From the aeroplane he jumped high up and landed on the moon.

That’s why you will see Mr. Hare on the moon looking down at you when the moon is full.


The Koob

Once there was a mole that lived in the forest and he did not want to be eaten by other animals. When she was walking in the forest she met a huge snake.

"Hello little mole,” said the snake, "Can you come have tea with me?”

"I would like to but I am having tea with Koob,” said the mole.

"A Koob, what’s a Koob?” asked the snake.

"A Koob, why don’t you know? He has big nails, a poisonous tongue and his favourite food is snake meat,” explained the mole.

"Oh! Goodbye little mole,” said the snake as he quickly crawled away. Then the mole met a hyena.

"Hello little mole, would you like to come and have dinner with me?” invited the hyena.

"I would like to but I am having dinner with a Koob,” said the mole.

"A Koob, what’s a Koob?” asked the hyena.

"A Koob, why don’t you know? He has terrible jaws, a terrible nose and his favourite meal is hyena ice-cream,” the mole explained.

"Oh, Goodbye little mole,” said the hyena and he quickly ran off.

As the mole walked he thought, "Are they all silly, a Koob does not exist!”

Suddenly, the mole saw one! It had big nails, a poisonous tongue, terrible jaws and a terrible tongue!

"Oh my favourite meal!” grinned the Koob.

"So funny,” laughed the mole.

"What do you mean so funny? I am the scariest animal in the forest!” the Koob said.

"No, I don’t think so, wait and see every body is afraid of me,” the mole said.

"Alright, I will walk behind you and see,” said the Koob.

Then the Koob walked behind the mole in the forest. When they met the snake, he looked at the Koob and ran. They also met the Hyena and he looked at the Koob and ran.

The mole then turned and told the Koob very slowly, "You see everybody is afraid of me and my favourite meal is Koob Ice-cream!”

"Oh goodbye little mole,” the Koob said as he run away.
The mole then sat and thought of how lucky he was.