FROM THE EDITOR: Parents' dilemma: Boarding, or day?

Choosing the right school for a child is one of the constant dilemmas that parents face. For many years now, one of the biggest questions has been: do I put my child in a day or boarding school?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Choosing the right school for a child is one of the constant dilemmas that parents face. For many years now, one of the biggest questions has been: do I put my child in a day or boarding school? Many parents are at crossroads when it comes to choosing between day or boarding school. But for those who are still undecided, this week’s Education Times gives you expert advice on how to choose the right school.

In our lead story this week we share with you what factors should inform your decision on whether you should keep the child at home or send them off at the beginning of each term to study in a boarding setting. Both arrangements have their advantages and shortcomings. Find out from parents, psychologists, educators and even students what you should consider- the child’s age, school’s location from home, the safety the school affords your children, and so on, should all be put in consideration. Your needs as a parent come in play (your schedule, financial constraints etc) but they should always come last-the child’s needs should be given priority.

Whatever your choice, remember that you are the first protector of your child, no matter whether they are with you at home or far away at boarding school. Do not ‘dump’ them at school and abandon them to teachers; and do not leave them to the mercy of helpers at home. Make time for them. Talk to them. Let them trust you. That way you will be able to help them deal with the challenges school life can present to the young souls, and the emotional and social stability you provide will enable them study in serenity and become the best individuals they can be.