Take firm action against filthy hangouts or else...

Editor, Reference is made to the article, “Exposing the ugly underbelly of Kigali’s popular hangouts” (The New Times, March 20).

Monday, March 23, 2015


Reference is made to the article, "Exposing the ugly underbelly of Kigali’s popular hangouts” (The New Times, March 20).

The numbers of epidemics that can be spread from these kinds of highly insalubrious places licensed to serve the public are just too many to list here.

This kind of official forbearance is usually a sure sign that those responsible for enforcing health standards but who are allowing such establishments to continue to operate are getting something under the table or have other corrupt reasons for failing to do their job.

Any establishment licensed to serve the public must have clean and well-stocked toilets that meet all health standards at all times. Otherwise they should be closed.

Not to mention the important matter of etiquette, including the need to protect women from the prying eyes of strange males while they are engaged in a highly private and intimate function. It is also important to remember that different sexes use restrooms in a non-identical fashion and also have different standards of cleanliness requiring distinct functional requirements and thus separate space.

 Mwene Kalinda



Kampalans used to mischievously laugh at Kigali hygiene that Kigalians were also clean in their pockets (meaning broke). They proceeded to vend, eat and throw food items anywhere and at same time easing themselves in any convenient place until...typhoid struck.

Now they are laughing with the other side of the face. Public hygiene is something to be non-negotiable and jealously guarded like pollution. Fine them heavily (both landlord and tenant) and lock the places up until they mend their ways.
