Two arrested with counterfeit currency in Rusizi

What started as a plan to transact in fake Rwandan currency ended sour for two men in Rusizi District when a businessman, who had already fallen victim before, came to the rescue of many others that had or were potential targets, and reported the matter to Police.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What started as a plan to transact in fake Rwandan currency ended sour for two men in Rusizi District when a businessman, who had already fallen victim before, came to the rescue of many others that had or were potential targets, and reported the matter to Police.

Jean Bizimana, 30, and the 29 year old  Simon Habimana were arrested on March 19 in Gakenke Village of Shara Cell in Muganza Sector.

Apparently, they were in a bar where they were also trying to pay for the drinks they had consumed suing fake money.

One of the suspects, Bizimana, said he bought fake money amounting to Rwf25, 000 from one Thomas Nyabuhoho, earlier that day. "I paid him (Nyabuhoho) Rwf20, 000 genuine notes for the Rwf25, 000 fake ones in the denomination of Rwf5,000. But he told me that I had to spend it before 24 hours, so I told Habimana to help me change it,” said Bizimana.

At the time of their arrest, the duo had already spent part of the fake money valued at Rwf10, 000 on petty goods like pan-cakes as a way of getting balance in genuine notes.

They are now detained at Muganza Police station as investigations continue.

Supt. Emmanuel Hitayezu, Police spokesperson for the western region said Police is still searching for Nyabuhoho, who’s still at large. "Investigations will continue to the very last person connected to this financial scam,” Supt. Hitayezu said.

He appealed to the business community to always be vigilant to avoid falling prey to such criminal groups, and always report to police in time.