The new style of power sharing in Africa funny

Dear editor, The newly adopted style of sharing power after election results are disputed in Africa is so funny. Why above all do you announce that you won and later on accept to share power.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dear editor,

The newly adopted style of sharing power after election results are disputed in Africa is so funny. Why above all do you announce that you won and later on accept to share power.

On the other hand, why do you say that if the elections were not rigged you would have been the winner, and again accept to share power.

This raises a lot of scepticism on the agendas of Africa’s politicians. There many examples and the recent one is the case of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe is to retain control of the army and chair cabinet meetings while the opposition MDC, will take the police and so on and so forth.

Sharing power is not bad, but on what grounds and circumstances?

The International donors crowned it all, by promising that they would resume financial aid for Zimbabwe’s collapsing economy, if Mr Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is given a genuine share of power. Surely, another meaningful way of practicing democracy and elections should be put in place.
