One Laptop per Child is not the most pressing issue

Editor, While I agree that it’s important for children to learn the basics of using a computer, I think the OLPC programme is unwise at best and wasteful at worst.

Friday, March 20, 2015


While I agree that it’s important for children to learn the basics of using a computer, I think the OLPC programme is unwise at best and wasteful at worst.

Instead of pouring loads of money into giving school children laptops they probably don’t need, why not invest that money in better teacher development and resources for teachers and students?

Giving students modern technology means nothing if they don’t also receive quality education. It’s the archaic methods of teaching forced on Rwanda’s youth that is holding the country back, not the lack of access to affordable laptops.

Give students a solid foundation of critical thinking, problem solving skills and knowledge (versus years having to copy text from a blackboard day in and day out) and watch them and the country thrive.


Reaction to the story, "Government to revamp One Laptop per Child programme” (The New Times, March 19)