I hate people who...

I have said it before that instead of just giving out driving permits, people’s mental abilities especially their judgment also ought to be part of the test.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

…drive without their brains squeezing cars into imaginary spaces. I have said it before that instead of just giving out driving permits, people’s mental abilities especially their judgment also ought to be part of the test.

I really find it annoying when I see a brainless adult clogging traffic by trying to create a new lane or squeezing his Japanese made old metallic box in very small spaces and blocking other cars in the process. Every time you find traffic mess there is always that one stupid fellow who lies to his child about his/her performance in school, who messes up everything.

Some of these jokers probably think they are driving toy cars or that being patient is too much to ask. Some of these people deserve to be flogged in public in the presence of their families.

…always post the same photos with just a variation of poses. Maybe I am growing old faster than I should but I think I am getting tired of this trend where people post a photo grid – same person, one photo but with three boring poses.

Have people really run out of better things to with their lives to think we are interested in seeing you pushing out your lips like a hungry duck three times? What happened to just taking photos at different times, in different environments or even clothes.

Do we really have to see you in sets of threes as if we may not remember you from just one pose? How about you try and find three other ways of being useful beyond boring selfies. I guess some of you think you are taking passport photos and you need three pics each time.

…dress so inappropriately and inconvenience everybody else. These days it is annoyingly too hot that I wish I could just walk around in my boxer shorts and a vest. Surprisingly with all this heat some jokers have no problem dressing up like it is winter in Kigali. I am glad I do not have a job that requires a suit everyday but how do you guys survive with all those kilos of cloth on your bodies in this heat?

Then there is this other tribe of super daft fellows whose boxers are actually jean shorts! These people who dress heavily in such weather deserve to be looked up in one room and thermal heat energy tapped and added to the power for the rest of us to charge our phones and tweet about how hot it is. On a serious note some of you smell like mating buffaloes. I actually don’t know how they smell but I suspect the difference is not that big.

…call others by their Twitter handles when offline. Isn’t it annoying when someone screams out your twitter handle instead of your name as you walk on the street minding your own business? It looks like some people just exist to create new bad manners. If you only know me via Twitter and have never bothered to find out my name then please do not mix up my online persona and the real me.

The next time I hear someone calling another by the twitter handle I swear I will slap them and then buy them internet bundles so they can keep their lousy habits online. To be fair, if you need to interact with your online friends offline then make the effort to find out their real names first so you don’t look like the fool you probably are.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293.