ICGLR could deploy observers in Burundi elections

Ministers of Foreign affairs from the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) have asked the body to deploy observers in Burundi during the country’s presidential elections to be held in June.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Ministers of Foreign affairs from the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) have asked the body to deploy observers in Burundi during the country’s presidential elections to be held in June.

The ministers made the resolution at the end of the 10th Ordinary Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee (RIMC) meeting of the ICGLR held in Luanda, Angola this week.

The RIMC is made up of ministers of Foreign affairs from ICGLR member countries.

In statement on Wednesday, the ministers said the deployment of observers in Burundi is in line with ICGLR’s political and diplomatic support to Burundi to ensure that the forthcoming elections are well organised.

The ministers committed to supporting Burundi in the organisation of successful and peaceful elections.

They instructed the ICGLR executive secretary to deploy observers before, during and after elections.

Toward the end of May until around the end of August 2015, Burundi will be holding elections at different levels of government, including presidential polls that will be held on June 26.

Foreign affairs ministers from the ICGLR meeting in Luanda, Angola on Wednesday commended the steps already taken for the conduct of the electoral process in Burundi.

They also called upon the  Government of Burundi and all its stakeholders, including political parties and civil society organisations to work together to ensure that the polls are transparent, credible and peaceful.

The ministers requested the chair of the Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee, Georges Rebelo Pinto Chicoti, who is also  Angola’s Foreign Affairs minister to visit Burundi and share with members of the RIMC about the situation on ground.

Rwanda’s Foreign Affairs Minister Louise Mushikiwabo, who attended the RIMC meeting in Luanda on Wednesday tweeted: "Solidarity visits to trouble spots in ICGLR shows regional commitment to stability”.

The ministers also instructed the ICGLR’s executive secretary to follow closely the electoral process in Burundi and submit a report.

The ICGLR comprises 11 member states, including the Sudan, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, the DR Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia.

The body aims at creating a conducive atmosphere for security, stability and development among the member states.