Polish investors seek more trade opportunities in Rwanda

Trade between Rwanda and Poland could further improve following a trade mission by polish legislators and investors.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Trade between Rwanda and Poland could further improve following a trade mission by polish legislators and investors.

The five-man delegation is in the country for one week to try and explore trade and investment opportunities while looking for ways on how the two countries can also foster their bilateral relationships.

The delegation is expected to meet with different ministries and local businesses to try and understand the business environment across the country, Francine Umutesi, the Poland-Africa Partnership and Co-operation international relations executive and president of Rwanda Diaspora in Poland, said.

They are in the country to understand how the two countries can work together to promote investments and strengthen their bilateral relationships, she told The New Times.

Francois Kanimba, the Minister for Trade and Industry, said the investors have already expressed interest in investing in the country’s agri-business sector, including potato processing.

The initiative will help boost the country’s Small and Medium Entreprises (SMEs) and help raise export revenues, Kanimba said during a meeting with the investors, yesterday.

"We are looking at areas where we can work together to improve our trade relationships,” he said.

Minister Kanimba said Rwanda could leverage on a robust trade relations with Poland as an opportunity to penetrate the European markets.

Andzej Pietrucha, the Chief Executive Officer Pietrucha Group of Companies, said he was ready to invest in the country once opportunity arises.

This group of companies is already investing in Nigeria and could soon add Rwanda on the list if all goes according to plan, he said.

Last year, Rwanda’s Private Sector Federation signed a bilateral trade agreement with the Polish Chamber of Commerce as a means of fostering business between the two countries.

The deal, allows the two to share expertise, business information, trade opportunities among other things.

And according to Umutesi, it is through such initiatives that the number of polish investors in the country will increase paving way for technological transfer in terms of skills and equipment.
