Rwagatare was insensitive

Editor, Reference is made to Joseph Rwagatare’s article, “Blessed are the meek and brilliant for they shall earn our eternal gratitude” (The New Times, March 10).

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Reference is made to Joseph Rwagatare’s article, "Blessed are the meek and brilliant for they shall earn our eternal gratitude” (The New Times, March 10).

Dear Mr. Rwagatare, accept my condolences for the loss of your model teacher, Fr Kasaija. But it is important to praise him without condemning people you described as mediocre whose intention was to jeopardise your teacher’s way of life.

Worse still, you did this in a generalised manner. Can you point out two or three mediocres you know? Otherwise, it appears that you are lumping hundreds of people who may have had a small falling out or a disagreement with your Latin teacher, as mediocres. Lastly, in Kinyarwanda culture—I suppose in Rutooro as well—it is taboo to bring back bad memories that characterised one’s life during mourning.
