Nutrition: 5 snacking habits that can help you lose weight

How many times have you heard tips on how to curb snack cravings? A ton, right? So how can you make sure to snack the right way? Just follow these tips: Ignore all those rules about the ideal time to snack.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How many times have you heard tips on how to curb snack cravings? A ton, right? So how can you make sure to snack the right way? Just follow these tips:

Ignore all those rules about the ideal time to snack.

Some people will tell you it’s a bad idea to snack between breakfast and lunch. Others will tell you that you have to have an apple at 3pm, not 4pm if you want to avoid overeating, says Phillip Maridadi, a fitness trainer. "Listen to your body and fuel when you need it.” Maridadi says, "This is particularly for the type of person who’s often so busy that they forget to eat.”Don’t snack when you’re not hungry

Just as you should eat when you’re hungry, you should also avoid eating just because you heard it’s important to have an afternoon snack if your stomach’s not grumbling. Don’t snack for the sake of snacking. Let your body’s cues dictate if you need to eat—and boredom or stress are not reasons to snack. Stay under 200 calories

This is a good ballpark to aim for to make sure that your snacks don’t turn into mini-meals. Of course, if you find yourself full before you finish your 200-calorie snack, feel free to save the rest for later.

Go for a mix of protein, fiber, and healthy fats

This is the ultimate trifecta for a snack that will keep you full for hours. You want to choose foods that are nutrient dense and will fuel your body while satisfying your cravings. Examples of eats that contain all three of these nutrients include roasted chickpeas or a piece of fruit with nuts or a hardboiled egg.

Have fun with your snacks

At the end of the day, if you’re eating crackers that taste like cardboard just because you think you should, you’ll probably end up feeling unsatisfied. That’s why it’s good to experiment with different snack options to find ones you love. Weight loss doesn’t have to mean deprivation. Get creative, and plan for snacks and meals that really satisfy you.