Eatingout: VIP Victory Snack Bar: Absolutely brief

Just opposite the Amahoro stadium main gate along the road to Kimironko, Gasabo District, stands the VIP Victory Snack Bar. The venue is a step off the main road. Its name evolves around the bar services offered, the place is thus perhaps understandably best described as brief. The joint is small but relatively busy in the evening hours. It has a mini swimming pool in the middle of the compound. The venue has a fair décor with different fabrics, simple art pieces and flowers.

Saturday, September 13, 2008
VIP: A cool spot for a snack. (File: Photo).

Just opposite the Amahoro stadium main gate along the road to Kimironko, Gasabo District, stands the VIP Victory Snack Bar. The venue is a step off the main road.

Its name evolves around the bar services offered, the place is thus perhaps understandably best described as brief.
The joint is small but relatively busy in the evening hours. 

It has a mini swimming pool in the middle of the compound.  The venue has a fair décor with different fabrics, simple art pieces and flowers.

The VIP Victory Snack Bar also has GTV and DSTV connections to add spice to your time there and a pool table for those feeling energetic.

On the menu, it offers barbecue at pocket friendly prices. Brochettes of chicken, goats or cows meat, or tilapia fish  range from Frw400 to Frw1,500 but this also varies according to the accompaniments like chips or bananas preferred.

Irish potatoes and bananas as accompaniments are either boiled, fried, or roasted.

Sausages both grilled and roasted are also part of the menu. Healthier options include fresh salads.

And for the wines and spirits, a wide range is at your disposal: Johnie Walker (red and black), J&B, Martini Blanco or Rossi, Uganda Waragi (all sizes), King fisher, Malibu… you name it (Prices begin at Frw1,500).

VIP has as a pretty good range of beers. These include Rwandan made brands (Miitzig, and Primus) and imported brands (Bell, Club Pilsner, and Tusker). Quench your first for as little as Frw300.

With their customer care, fair treatment is offered but sounding commitment to serve is not expressed. However, despite all the brief services offered, the VIP bar does not have enough room for privacy. Apart from the fencing, it is an open place.

It also has limited parking space that does not have security and the swimming pool is not strategically placed. The snack, I’m told, is to be expanded to offer more space and shelter.

And above all for food lovers, there are no main dishes to give variety. Nothing goes beyond snacks and bar services. But if choice isn’t important, this is a great spot for a speedy snack and a cool beer.
