WOMAN 2 WOMAN: How to handle your cheating husband

Let’s face it; Two in three men will admit they have ever been in extra marital relationships. It does not have to be sexual, it may be emotional infidelity. Emotional infidelity is where a spouse gets emotionally close to another person other than their partner.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let’s face it; Two in three men will admit they have ever been in extra marital relationships. It does not have to be sexual, it may be emotional infidelity. Emotional infidelity is where a spouse gets emotionally close to another person other than their partner.

In such a relationship two people exchange intimate text messages, gifts and confide in each other. Yet this is supposed to be for couples in a relationship.

Therefore if your man has never been involved in such relationships, he deserves a present. And perhaps prayers that God keeps him that way. If you ever find your husband cheating on you in any way, your first response may be anger.

I actually know two females that responded in anger, and the consequences weighed more heavily on the females than the men!

If you do find your husband or boyfriend cheating on you, remain as calm as possible. Do not attack. Assess the situation in an intelligent manner.

If you have suspicions, keep a camera (you can also use your phone camera) with you at all times so that if you find your husband with another woman, you have evidence to use when you take him to court or decide to confront him about it.

If you ever caught your man "red handed” the best thing to do is to gather your evidence and go away. A few things may happen if you stay. You may actually act on the urge of beating them senselessly like some women have done but this is not wise. You may be arrested and charged with assault.

Or your spouse may suddenly ignore the other woman and try to plead with you. He will beg and say anything. Remember that at this point, anything he says is and will always be a lie, ladies. Do not fall for it.

A cheater almost never quits cheating. Your best bet is to call it quits and to get on with your life. I can understand that you still may have feelings for him. What if he brings you home an STD or AIDS/HIV, then what?!

Cheating hurts person’s feelings. You have to think of your happiness and your children’s happiness. You don’t need a cheater in your life to be happy.

You stay with him because of your fears and your hopes that things will get better. It is only getting worse and it is not fair to you or your kids!

Changing our lives can be very scary and it is that fear that keeps us in the same horrible situation. However, once you make that leap of faith you’ll see that change is good and that life goes on.

The stress and pain and hurt he has caused will become a vague memory and someday you will discovery what true love is. And you need to work on your self-esteem. Cheaters cause great pain and tear down even the most confident of people!

Remember, he is the one with the issues, not you! Focus on yourself and making your life better! Go back to school; work out, whatever it takes to get your self esteem back.

Contact: ubernie@gmail.com