Police foil bar robbery in Gasabo

Police in Gasabo District is holding a man suspected of breaking into a bar in Kimironko Sector and stealing electronics.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Police in Gasabo District is holding a man suspected of breaking into a bar in Kimironko Sector and stealing electronics.

Phillipe Kamuhanda was reportedly apprehended red-handed last Saturday at the scene of crime while loading the stolen electronics which include a Television set, DVD player and an amplifier, in a car.

Police said they received a phone call from the would-be victim about people who had broken into his bar.

Kamuhanda is currently held at Remera Police Station, but other suspects remain at large.

"Reporting an illegal or criminal act in time is always paramount to respond in time to foil such criminal activities, arrest culprits and recover stolen equipment," Chief Supt. Dan Ndayambaje, Gasabo District Police Commander, said.

"Foiling this illegal activity was successful due to the timely information provided by the bar owner, which enabled Police to swiftly come in time. Crimes like these should never be tolerated because they damage legitimate business,” he added.

Police appealed to the public to volunteer information leading to the arrest of other suspects.

"We call upon anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the other two suspects, or those with information that can help foil criminal activities to always inform police in time in order to facilitate law and order.”

Article 300 of the Penal Code stipulates that anyone found guilt of theft without violence or threat shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of six months to two years and a fine of two to five times the value of the stolen property or one of the penalties.