Health: Why that anger is life threatening

I had read the above lines in a poster many years ago. Over the years, I have realized from my personal experiences how true they are. 

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I had read the above lines in a poster many years ago. Over the years, I have realized from my personal experiences how true they are. 

"Loosing temper”, is an expression used when someone is angry. One can, lose his temper”, over some other person. For instance, she can be angry with that person.

But the other person does not like it. Soft spoken persons are respected and loved everywhere but short tempered ones are avoided.

Reason for getting angry may be just or unjust. Amount of anger may be small or big. That is, it may be manifested in the form of the angry person shouting at the other person, using abusive language, cursing him or maybe getting violent in extreme cases causing harm to body or material things.

Whatever may be the reason for an individual to be angry at another, the results are unpleasant for both. If the man or woman being targeted is an equal, he or she may answer back or shout back which forms the ground for an unpleasant scene.

If events turn violent, there is physical damage to either the person or things lying around. If the individual affected is a subordinate in relation or position, he may remain quiet for the moment.

But he would carry the mental hurt and insult him.  First of all, he would talk ill about the person who has lost temper over him. He will stop respecting the person, always keep the ill will and take revenge at the first opportunity.

People start avoiding a man or woman who gets angry easily and gradually he becomes devoid of friends. In a domestic scenario, the peace and tranquility of any house gets disturbed, whenever someone gets angry over another person whether a spouse or children.
