Diaspoman: Jordan style turns sour in Nyamirambo

Last week, I realized that cheap things were actually very expensive indeed. I learnt this when Aggrey and I went out for our haircut. Ever since I returned from the Diaspora, I had never bothered visiting the saloons. My stay in the Diaspora had taught me how to always do things myself.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Last week, I realized that cheap things were actually very expensive indeed. I learnt this when Aggrey and I went out for our haircut. Ever since I returned from the Diaspora, I had never bothered visiting the saloons. My stay in the Diaspora had taught me how to always do things myself.

That is why I have always shaved my Diaspo-hair with a razorblade. But this time, Aggrey insisted that I visit the Kigali saloons for a better hairdo!

I told him that saloons were for ladies and few men who pretended to be ‘cool’ guys all the way from Europe and America. I told Aggrey that I was not prepared to be like my other fellow Diaspomen who hang out with the buddies in top circles.

They are usually seen around places like the Serena hotel or at the Akagera hotel spotting some crazy hairstyles. Diaspomen tend to speak the foreign language with a heavy Muzungu accent.

For me, I have decided to play it cool. I have seen my fellow Diaspomen struggle to keep up appearances. So for me I just thought that I should continue living my life in a simple manner.

Aggrey continued to beg and beg. He pleaded with me that I should abandon Mfashumwana’s village-ish habits. I reluctantly agreed and drove to Kiyovu of the rich.

When I saw the pricelist for a haircut, I whispered to Aggrey that it was too expensive. Why not go elsewhere? Aggrey brushed my idea aside and decided to stay.

I dashed out in search for a cheaper saloon in Nyamirambo where we used to visit in the mid 90s. At the saloon, it was the same old talkative chaps.

Since I had added some weight over the past twelve years, none of these guys could recognize me. I sat on the creaky chair and they started chopping off my hair. I asked them to cut off everything, "Jordan” style.

I was going to pay only one third of what Aggrey had given me for the hair cut. I was looking forward to comparing my hairstyle with his and prove to him that cheap places could be better than expensive ones. Wrong.

Without prior warning, Electrgaz decided to "couper” electricity. The generator that was located in the far corner was nothing else but a decoration. We waited for one more hour but no power was forthcoming.

With half of my hair clean-shaven, I sneaked out of this damn place and rushed back home. Thanks to a Good Samaritan who lent me his hat for the rest of the day!
Contact: diaspoman@yahoo.com