Editorial: FDLR and charcoal trade

I was shocked by this week’s main story. I couldn’t believe that there has been a large commercial enterprise mainly involving charcoal business extracted from the area controlled by Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) in the jungles of Eastern Congo.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I was shocked by this week’s main story. I couldn’t believe that there has been a large commercial enterprise mainly involving charcoal business extracted from the area controlled by Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) in the jungles of Eastern Congo.

The charcoal ends in Goma and is later reportedly transported for sale in Kigali! This got me thinking that something must be done to stop this quickly.

The charcoal and timber business, residents in Sake and Goma towns say benefit FDLR hugely and the genocide-guilty force is reportedly doing it without any apology. Shocking!

On relationship, page 8, our writer Jumah Senyonga introduces us to ‘Dutch dating’. How many of you go Dutch dating? Many times, young men on date pay for their bills in the African culture; at least that is how the rule is.

Sometimes, you wish your girlfriend helps a bit. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The girls feel there is nothing wrong with you meeting the bills.

And money discussions are believed to be insensitive and lack of sophistication on the side of the man. Find out why Dutch dating or sharing the bills is becoming fashionable.

In our focus, we also take a look at the excitement generated by the laptop computers in schools. Students are very thrilled. Find out their take on this.

These are some of the stories we have packaged for you this week. Enjoy.

Contact: sundaytimes@newtimes.co.rw