New pay TV good news

Dear editor,The entry into the market of a new commercial TV, Star media is good news.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear editor,
The entry into the market of a new commercial TV, Star media is good news.

Good as it is expected to help many Rwandans craving to have an alternative to Rwanda Television.

Coming after GTV and Super Sport, we hope Star media will heighten the competition and in the end push down prices. 
This may be bad news for the two pay TVs who first introduced their services in Rwanda, but it’s music to the customers being the ultimate beneficiaries in a situation of stiff competition.

Pay TV has been a preserve of the rich or am made to believe so,   but if we have many of them in place, service delivery will improve and prices will go down to be affordable by even ordinary Rwandans.

We pray for the same competition in the telecommunication industry.