Why government should sell off Onatracom

Editor, Government does not do business; if you want to subsidise the private sector and let them compete-it should be an open market and nobody should get involved into picking losers.

Monday, February 23, 2015
Some of the Onatracom grounded buses at the agency's garage in Nyamirambo. (File)


Government does not do business; if you want to subsidise the private sector and let them compete—it should be an open market and nobody should get involved into picking losers.

Transportation is a very tricky business; it should be left to the private sector and the government may only set standards. The private sector can efficiently serve our population.

Those buses should be sold to private business people.



Frankly speaking government is not the best suited to operate public utilities; government is more of a policy formulator than a business manager even though it can still hold a stake.

One of the reasons is that in a purely government business entity, the management is not profit-oriented and thus laxity and mediocrity slowly creeps in. In the case of a private entity, the shareholders will insist on return on their investment.

Onatracom should be privatised, rebranded and given a new lease of life. This does not mean changing the name but just a new design and tag line since the name has become a big brand that is easy to appeal to the public.


Reactions to the story, "Legislators seek end to Onatracom woes” (The New Times, February 19)