Educate the public about cancer

Dear editor,Dear editor, there should be an effort to increase cancer awareness.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear editor,
Dear editor, there should be an effort to increase cancer awareness.

The disease seems to have become a silent killer. Ugandan newspapers last week reported on the death of two prominent people who succumbed to cancer.

First, was a prominent clergyman, then the King of Busoga. In Rwanda there seem to be no clear campaign about the disease.

Much information should be disseminated among the public especially the youth about cancer as a threat not only to their health but also to their life.

The government can involve schools in this campaign. In schools, such awareness information can be pinned on notice boards.

Then the students will help spread the message to other members of the public.

Activities promoted by students can reach a big audience because of their enormous numbers.

Talk shows and documented footage of cancer patients could also be arranged about cancer like it has been done for other equally killer diseases.

Different kinds of cancer are prevalent: lung cancer, breast cancer, prostrate cancer name it. But believe me; very many people are ignorant of cancer including the causes.

All the causes need to be highlighted such as smoking tobacco, which causes lung cancer and other basic facts about the disease.

Many people could be saved if they learnt of the symptoms of cancer because they could take early diagnosis.