100 percent support for RPF

SOUTHERN PROVINCE KAMONYI — Hundreds of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) party supporters among them district officials attended the party’s last rally at Gacurabwenge grounds this Thursday.

Friday, September 12, 2008


KAMONYI — Hundreds of Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) party supporters among them district officials attended the party’s last rally at Gacurabwenge grounds this Thursday.

The jovial residents cheering and chanting party songs received the party candidates and declared that they would vote for the party 100 percent in next week’s polls.

Party candidates including those from the coalition parties present at the rally included: Alphonsine Mukarugema, Fidel Bukuba and Clothilde Mukakarangwa (PDC)

Before the candidates rose to the platform, they were greeted by lots of songs from supporters at a rally described by residents as the hottest in the area.  

The candidates lauded RPF for the commendable development over the years and told residents to vote massively, so that the party could deliver more in the next parliament.

"Vote for RPF so that you can get better health care, education and economic development, peace and unity. This is what we want to deliver for all Rwandans,” said Mukarugema.

Mukarugema also urged residents to show the love for President Paul Kagame through active faith, good will and support of his endeavor to build the nation.

Local leaders asked residents to keep time and hold peaceful elections process during the Monday exercise.
