Intra-Health/Twubakane donates computers

SOUTHERN PROVINCE KAMONYI — Sector leaders and heads of health centres in Kamonyi district have received computers to improve on their service delivery.

Friday, September 12, 2008


KAMONYI — Sector leaders and heads of health centres in Kamonyi district have received computers to improve on their service delivery.

The computers worth over Frw19m were donated by Intra-Health/Twubakane; a USAID funded decentralisation and health programme in Rwanda.

The items that included 22 desktops and 10 laptops were handed over to the beneficiaries this Thursday at the district offices.

Charles Kayobotse, the district field coordinator said that the donation is under the District Incentive Fund (DIF) and part of Intra-Health/Twubakane’s commitment to supporting local administrative levels and empowering residents in the decentralisation program.

"The equipments would ease the implementation of government programmes and is aimed at empowering local leaders to reach out to residents through improved service delivery,” Kayobotse said.

The beneficiaries said that the equipment would improve on the service delivery, time management and save on transport costs.

"We have been making handwritten daily and monthly reports and this has been a hard manual task that is time consuming and tedious. We are grateful and we promise to safeguard and use the computers profitably,” a beneficiary, Veronica Mukanyandwi said.

According to Emmanuel Bahizi, the district Executive Secretary, the district would offer the beneficiaries with advanced ICT training and provide internet connection soon.
