Government to pay Frw100m for automobile accident victims

GASABO - The Government has projected that it will  pay over Frw100m, through its Automobile Guarantee Fund (AGF), as compensation to automobile accident victims this year. This was revealed Wednesday by Louis Victor Nganyira, AGF’s Head of Compensation department after the handover ceremony of outgoing Board Chairman Alphonse Kayiranga to Marc Kabandana that took place at its Kacyiru offices.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Marc Kabandana

GASABO - The Government has projected that it will  pay over Frw100m, through its Automobile Guarantee Fund (AGF), as compensation to automobile accident victims this year.

This was revealed Wednesday by Louis Victor Nganyira, AGF’s Head of Compensation department after the handover ceremony of outgoing Board Chairman Alphonse Kayiranga to Marc Kabandana that took place at its Kacyiru offices.

"We are working with five insurance companies in Rwanda and from each premium insurance covered, we get 10 % ,” Nganyira told The New Times in an interview.

He also revealed that at least Frw250 million is collected in premium from five insurance cpmpanies every year.

Nganyira pointed out that of this, Frw100m will be used to cover 80 accident cases per year regardless of whether the victim is insured or not.

He added that AGF covers compensation of loss of lives, disability caused by accidents, permanent injuries, automobiles, among others.

Nganyira, however, said that AGF works closely with prosecution and traffic police to investigate and identify which victims are recommended for compensation.

"Any accident to be considered by AGF should have been reported to traffic police within seven days of its occurrence and should be reported to AGF within two years,” he added.

The AGF under the Ministry of Finance was set up in 2002 but started functioning towards the end of 2003.

François Xavier Ngarambe, the Executive Secretary in charge of the Financial Sector Development in the Ministry of Finance and  Guest of honor, pledged government’s support to AGF.

He  advised  that in order for AGF to fully function, it would need good networking with financial institutions.

He encouraged AGF to work with a positive altitude, have a vision, skilled workers and discipline.

Marc Kabandana vowed to streamline AGF’s internal laws and mind set. He reminded the AGF workers to be in position to meet global competition.

"Many people want to stick to old issues saying that we used to do it this way or that way. Yesterday is absolutely irrelevant to what is going on today.

AGF needs knowledge, skills, attitude and capacity if a positive impact is to be attained,” Kabandana advised.
