Iribagiza is a shining example for the youth

Editor, Reference is made to the story, “Forbes names Rwanda’s Iribagiza among promising entrepreneurs” (The New Times, February 7). This is yet another example that shows that gender equality is a reality that is only hindered by inefficient and/or discriminatory institutions.

Monday, February 09, 2015


Reference is made to the story, "Forbes names Rwanda’s Iribagiza among promising entrepreneurs(The New Times, February 7). This is yet another example that shows that gender equality is a reality that is only hindered by inefficient and/or discriminatory institutions. Rwanda continues to provide strong empirical evidence that global community can achieve the goal of gender equality and empowerment of women.

Speaking at the launch of the HeforShe Impact 10x10x10 campaign in Davos last month, President Paul Kagame underscored the fact that "when women advance, everyone benefits” as well as the need "to use the talents of all our people to the full potential, in politics, business and elsewhere... as a common sense if we want to advance and improve our societies”. 

Our education system shall continue to deliver certificates with skills as is the case of this former KIST graduate, whom the youth should emulate. Congratulations to Ms. Iribagiza.
