Rwanda is the fastest reforming country

Dear editor,Rwanda’s improvement in key areas of development like dealing with licenses, registering property, trading across borders and enforcing contracts has made her rank among the fastest reforming nations in the world.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dear editor,
Rwanda’s improvement in key areas of development like dealing with licenses, registering property, trading across borders and enforcing contracts has made her rank among the fastest reforming nations in the world.

This is according to the World Bank’s Doing Business report.
It is not surprising that Rwanda has achieved this position considering the immense work that the President Paul Kagame is putting in place.

From all the attractive deals that investors are given, there is surely no doubt that development and prosperity can be a reality.

Even the Francis Gitare the Director General of the Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (RIEPA) agrees that what the World Bank report is just not enough!

He adds that this reform is just part of a bigger reform that the government already has in place.

I greatly would recommend other countries in Africa to follow the example and pace that Rwanda has set.

This can be done if they fight against corruption and enforce the MDG’s and this is only achieved with good governance.