Wife killer still in police custody

WESTERN PROVINCE A man who was recently arrested in Kibuye for allegedly killing his wife is still detained at Kibuye Police Post.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


A man who was recently arrested in Kibuye for allegedly killing his wife is still detained at Kibuye Police Post.

Mpitabakana, 34, a resident of Rubengera was arrested last week after killing his wife Yaduhaye Ansinata, 26, who was seven months pregnant.

Police told The New Times that Mpitabakana will be detained for 30 days pending prosecution.

After spending the whole day drinking, Mpitabakana went home with his wife but killed her shortly after reaching home accusing her of having lost the key to their bedroom.

At the police station, he admitted the crime, saying it was due to over drinking.

"I loved my wife but I killed her just because I was drunk,” he said.

However, the sister to the deceased, Marita Niyibizi said that Mpitabakana had indicated intentions to beat up his wife even before he got drunk.

"I overheard him threatening that he would beat her up because she had been talking to other men in the bar,” Niyibizi said.

A postmortem confirmed that Yaduhaye died after being hit hard on the stomach leaving behind two children.

"Mpitabakana has a reputation of beating up women,” said one resident.

Yaduhaye was the second wife to Mpitabakana whose first wife had divorced him allegedly due to battering.

A police official said women are scared of reporting their husbands until it gets worse.
