Advocate for more climate control

Dear Editor,I would like to applaud the initiative that the Ministry of Natural resources has taken to advocate for climate change.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dear Editor,
I would like to applaud the initiative that the Ministry of Natural resources has taken to advocate for climate change.

According to Minister Stansilas Kamanzi the plan is to ensure that Rwanda should be at the frontline for the advocacy of sustainable climate control.

This plan is a brilliant one since as times go buy the global climate issues are becoming more concerning and worrying.

With the constant decline in the climate as a result of global warming and global dimming more effort to counteract these effects on the well being of the human race should be put in place.

The effects of climate change though are not directly felt by humans, but have long lasting side effects that could persist for generations to come. One good example is the droughts that have been affecting Ethiopia and Somalia for decades.

The funny thing in all this climate change, global warming and dimming is that the countries most affected do not contribute much to the destruction of the Ozone layer.

Countries that are least developed suffer at the expense of the developed ones that eject tons of toxic gases to the atmosphere that destroy the Ozone layer.

Now, the best possible way forward is if other African countries took the initiative just as Rwanda is doing by revising and introducing adaptation measures.

This is to ensure that incase of any uncertainties Rwanda will be prepared.