MP Harelimana resigns from Eala

MP Abdul Karim Harelimana, one of the eight legislators representing Rwanda in the East African Legislative Assembly (Eala), resigned from the regional legislature, yesterday.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Harelimana has stepped down.

MP Abdul Karim Harelimana, one of the eight legislators representing Rwanda in the East African Legislative Assembly (Eala), resigned from the regional legislature, yesterday.

In a brief telephone interview last evening, Harelimana confirmed the resignation, saying there was "nothing out of ordinary”.

Harelimana said: "It is true, I have resigned from the Assembly but there is no cause for alarm as this is a normal course of action.”

The lawmaker, a senior member of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), served in the Second Assembly (2007-2012) after Rwanda joined the EAC, before he was re-elected to the third assembly.

The Third Assembly, however, still has a two- and-a-half-year mandate till 2017, meaning that his position has to be filled.

Harelimana’s resignation leaves Rwanda with seven Eala representatives. They include: Christophe Bazivamo, Patricia Hajabakiga, Dr James Ndahiro, Straton Ndikuryayo, Valerie Nyirahabineza, Dr Odette Nyiramirimo, and Pierre Celestin Rwigema.

Harelimana, also a former cabinet minister, has been the chair of the Eala Committee of Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources.

"My departure means that my colleagues, members of the Rwandan chapter, will sit down and decide on who replaces me as committee chairperson. That too should not be a problem as we have competent members,” he said.

The chairperson of the Committee of Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources has to come from Rwanda for the remaining time of the current term, as per House rules and procedures.

In the aftermath of the Genocide against the Tusti, Harelimana served in two cabinet posts; as Minister for Internal Affairs, and in the public service docket.

He has also served as a Member of Parliament and as special advisor to the President.