Taxi moto cyclists pledge to fight crime

Commercial motorcyclists and cyclists have vowed to contribute toward peace and security by being on the look out for criminals amongst themselves.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Commercial motorcyclists and cyclists have vowed to contribute toward peace and security by being on the look out for criminals amongst themselves.

The commitment was made by members of the Bugesera District motorists and cyclists association, during a meeting on January 30. The meeting aimed at sharing ideas on how to improve their operations.

The members overwhelmingly agreed to report their counterparts who may engage in burglary, theft, smuggling, and other criminal activities.

The District Police Commander, Supt. Richard Rubagumya, urged them to remain committed to peace and security in the community.

"Always adhere to the law, wear uniform and respect traffic rules. This way, the criminals will be isolated,” he said.

Rwanda National Police partners with motorcyclists through community policing and last year, the Force donated about Rwf5 million to about 16 cooperatives of commercial motorcyclists as part of its efforts to fight poverty.