Don't even think about abandoning school

I don’t feel like going back to school for Senior Five. I am not sure why but the feeling is really strong. Please advise.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Joyce Kirabo

I don’t feel like going back to school for Senior Five. I am not sure why but the feeling is really strong. Please advise. 


Dear Vianney,

In this competitive era, the need to study has even become more necessary. Accumulating knowledge through education gives you a strong foundation to develop a career and have a reasonably comfortable future. There are a number of opportunities you automatically forget about once you forfeit that diploma or degree.

I would suggest you spare some time and think about what the real problem could be and the advantages of studying vis-à-vis the disadvantages and you will see a change in thought. Dropping out of school in Senior Five would be unfortunate because instead of learning you would be stagnating. Remember that besides accumulating knowledge at school you also learn how to work with people from different backgrounds and make friends from within and without.  Therefore, dropping out of school should not even cross your mind.

You could probably try and change school if certain things aren’t working out well in this particular one but opting out completely will be disaster. What other ideas are running in your mind? Are you ready to do private business? Do you have financial backing? What will happen if your plans fail?

Always aim for the highest. Think with advanced intelligence. There’s a wide middle ground between being a classic "high school dropout” and a highly focused self-directed learner. Advanced level is the absolute BEST when it’s part of self-directed learning and often used as a road to further studies and certainly successful living. Soak up all you can, and make the best choice for yourself about where you want to go while keeping in mind that education is the key to success.

The writer is a teacher and counsellor



JMV Harerimana
Ruth Ganyana

John Marie Vianney Harerimana                    

Sorry Vianney for feeling that way. It also happened to me when I was joining Senior Four but I later realised I didn’t like my new school. You think hard about what the cause of that feeling could be and if it is the school you dislike please change it immediately.

Ruth Ganyana           

I really empathise with you but I suspect there is a much bigger problem that you are not telling us. Could it be that you have not finished the holiday assignment they gave you? Confront the issue head on.

Immaculate Kayezu
Christine Iribagiza

Immaculate Kayezu           

 Dislike for school could be due to a bad spirit that wants to drown you in the sea of ignorance. Please go and see a pastor so that they pray for you. I’m sure you will get well and resume your liking for studies.

Christine Iribagiza        

The feeling of abandoning studies happens to every student at some point but at the end of the day you must endure if you want a bright future. So there is no way around it, do whatever you can to stay in school.