Can I get pregnant just after my periods?

Dear doctor; Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dear doctor;

Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished?

Jacqueline, 20.

Dear Jacqueline,

Is pregnancy suspected or there is fear of pregnancy, or is it already confirmed? As such periods occur when the uterus  ready  to receive a baby fails to do so. Due to hormonal changes, the inner lining of uterus becomes thick and rich with blood vessels and tissues, so as to accommodate the fertilised ovum. But if the ovum is not fertilised, these built up layers are shed and passed out, causing the bleeding of menstruation.

Thus normally one does not conceive immediately after menstruation. But exceptions do occur. Rarely the ovum may not have aborted and can get fertilised even during or after menstruation. The time  duration between menstruation and  preceding or following menstruation may be very short and the ovum may get fertilised after sexual intercourse. These are rare situations but can occur. Pregnancy is usually suspected and diagnosed after missing a period.

Sometimes a woman may conceive and before she is aware of it may have slight miscarriage in early pregnancy, which may be mistaken for menstrual bleeding. Monthly bleeding during cycles can continue even after becoming pregnant for few cycles, a situation where if one does not suspect pregnancy may not be even aware of it.