Ban Ki Moon condemns DRC violence, calls for dialogue

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon condemned the ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in a statement yesterday.

Friday, January 23, 2015
Up to 42 people have been killed since nationwide demonstrations begun on Monday.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon condemned the ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in a statement yesterday. 

According to some reports, up to 42 people have been killed since nationwide demonstrations begun on Monday.

These demonstrations were triggered by opposition parties attempting to block electoral reforms instigated by the DRC government that could delay the general elections, due to take place in 2016.

Ban Ki Moon deplored the loss of life and called on the national security forces and demonstrators to refrain from further violence and exercise maximum restraint.

"Demonstrations should be conducted in a peaceful manner. While violence is not acceptable, the response to violent protests must also be proportionate”, he said in a statement.  The Secretary-General calls on all key stakeholders to resume political dialogue and ensure that elections-related matters were discussed in an inclusive and peaceful fashion in the appropriate forum.