Residents hail RPF achievements

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — Bernard Kayumba, the Mayor of Karongi district has called upon area residents to vote for the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) because of its vast achievements for Rwanda.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


KARONGI — Bernard Kayumba, the Mayor of Karongi district has called upon area residents to vote for the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) because of its vast achievements for Rwanda.

He was addressing RPF rally at Gatwaro stadium recently. Hundreds of supporters chanting party songs turned up for the rally.

Relating to the jovial mood of the crowd at the stadium, the Mayor said the current happiness among Rwandans was attributed to RPF.

"That mass grave besides the stadium bears me witness.

Those 11,000 Rwandans lying there would as well be happy to be here with us right now,” he said, referring to the memorial at the stadium which hold some of the remains of victims of the 1994 Genocide of Tutsis.

He added that they should not only look at RPF as the party that stopped the Genocide, but should look at it as a party that has enhanced the welfare of everyone.

At the rally, a number of residents gave account of what the party has done for them in the past.

"I thank FPR for Girinka (government programme of One -cow per family) because I currently own a cow from which I get milk,” said Harerimana Janvier.

Other residents credited the party for introducing decentralisation, saying it helped extend services nearer to them and for introducing health insurance scheme, Mutuelle de sante.

"We can now speak to leaders directly and tell them whatever problems we have,” said Arnaud Habumuremyi.
