Police traffic orders must be respected!

Dear editor,Passengers had decried poor bus services, passengers complained of poor transport services saying it was getting on their nerves every day.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dear editor,
Passengers had decried poor bus services, passengers complained of poor transport services saying it was getting on their nerves every day.

When the police came up with the new way of carrying passengers with reduced number of passengers per seat a few days back, it came at the right timing for we had become tired of Twegerane (lets get closer) thing, where many must have been victims of sandwiched individuals in each row seat.

Even though private operators, passengers had hoped for a more comfortable ride but because of the monopoly ATRACO had nothing has been achieved.

Passengers say sometimes they have to wait for more than an hour for a bus, and many of the roads in the cities are not covered by the services.

For the past 14 years, this kind of arrangement was badly needed for services on the routes in and around the city.
Everyday travel has been an ordeal.

There is no monitoring of the services to ensure rights of the passengers are protected or that they get their money’s worth despite the so-called security guards of ATRACO are placed on each bus stop.

I wish these decisions were followed by government invitation of tenders for restructuring of bus operations.

Nevertheless, my worry is one are those orders being respected or not and if they are not what should we do.

The small taxis continue to carry numbers (4 on a seat), like those of bigger ones.

This is very unsafe and stricter measures should be taken against them.