Dear Editor,After reading an article in your paper about an Open Day exhibition at SOS Hermann Gmeiner Technical High School at Kagugu.
Dear Editor,
After reading an article in your paper about an Open Day exhibition at SOS Hermann Gmeiner Technical High School at Kagugu.
I was impressed by that particular bit of the ‘e-Imihigo’ web page designed by a student.
As we well know, our vision is that of a knowledge-based economy.
I suggest the Ministry of Local Government approaches, through the school, the student who designed this web page so that he can develop it to their standards.
This will definitely help the local leaders to compare notes with other areas and also inform the public of each step taken.
Let that student’s work not just fetch him good marks at school but also contribute to the nation as well. Let it not be a forgotten story.
Local Government, the ball is in your court.